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The Home Decor

The Home Decor

What a wonderful Saturday to wake up to, with rays of sunshine flowing in through the window as if to promise a better time will come. We were supposed to be in Italy now to revisit the same place as last year which Snapchat just reminded me of (I reposted some pictures). We stopped in Rome for a day and then continued roadtrip style down to Positano. It was such a lovely trip! I am not complaining about not being able to travel to Italy this year though, this garden alone has got me high on that Spring energy I’ve been craving for months. Spring is such a magical time, it really affects me with some kind of sneaky magic. Like I’m constantly on that two glasses of wine flow. I’m all for it!

We are still unpacking and despite not leaving the house yesterday I managed to walk 3634 steps – clearly I’m all over the place! Today I’ve decided to rethink my strategy and focus on one room at the time. In the meantime I wanted to share some inspiration for the vibe we’re going for. We’re thinking dreamy soft neutrals with nature materials and black and white photography…

Images from Pinterest and Instagram: @interiorbylyrstrand @aninebing @janaheinrici @lovisabarkman @lenaterlutter @stylingvision @rikkekrefting @mathildegoehler @ad_magazine

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  • Love your moodboard! At this point in my life, I can only dream of a house decorated with neutral shades and white furniture. With a 10 month old and two cats it’d be destroyed within days?.
    Looking forward to more updates on your villa, Celina!

    • Thank you, Ilona! Congrats on your baby, how lovely! Lol, I can imagine white and neutrals don’t work well at your home. The darker neutral palette would be great though, what do you have at the moment? x

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