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Makeup, hair and skin care chit chat

Makeup, hair and skin care chit chat

Hello you. I hope you’re having a lovely Saturday, and that the sun is shining upon you this weekend!

I got some questions if I could make a blog post with links to the products I mentioned in the story. I’m glad you did because there is more, lol. I didn’t want to spam on IG. As you know I love to talk about fluffy beauty stuff, and the interactions in the comments through where we can all advice each other. I got lots of good replies on eye creams – thank you! Would love to hear your holy grails too!

Armani Luminous Silk Foundation, YSL High cover Concealer, Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Wand Light in Spotlight, Airbrush Flawless Finish, Chanel soleil tan de chanel // Buxom Plump Lipliner in Hush Hush // Lancôme Hypnôse mascara, Eyeliner

 Byredo Perfumes, Viktor&Rolf Flowerbomb, YSL Libre // Kerastase Shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave in oil, R+CO volume spray

Chanel soleil tan de chanel // ZO Skin Health Smart Tone (can only be bought in beauty clinics), La Roche Posay // The Ordinary Niacinamide, Hyalaronic acid, AHA + BHA peel

Medik8 Daily Radiance Vitamin C, Elixir Hydractil lite, Niactil, Acticlear Pads, ZO Skin Health Complexion Nenewal pads (can only be bought in beauty clinics)

The products I didn’t mention in fear of spamming, but which I also really love and use a lot..

Skin: Zo Skin Health Exfoliating Cleanser, Noon Aesthetics Igloo mask, Tan Luxe The Face, St Tropez Self tan, Mac Strobe Cream

The cleanser is marvellous as it doubles as exfoliator and really leaves the skin clean and soft, I love it! The Igloo mask I didn’t love at first as I got it when I was pregnant and found I was breaking out a lot. Now I’m using it after light peels when skin just feels a little sensitive, or before selftan. It gives a wonderful cool sensation and leaves skin super soft and supple. The tan drops is the best I have had for the face and I like that I can build intensity by adding drops. Yet I still think the shade is slightly too orangey for my liking so I go over with just a little bit of St Tropez on the outer corners of my face, which I tell myself gives dimension to the face. I top all that with a little bit of Mac Strobe Cream on the high points of my face for some glow. I also slather that glow on my body as well like chest and legs.

See Also

Hair: Kerastase Volumifique (I can’t find this in stock anywhere), Ciment Thermique, Cicaplasme

Those of you who followed the blog will perhaps remember my fondness for the volume spray. It’s still a favourite and I use both this and the R+Co Grid. This one just makes the hair more airy if that makes sense, whilst the R+Co Grid gives more texture. The Ciment Thermique is another old favourite and my go to when I once a month get the chance to blow dry my hair or use a styling tool. It’s similar to the conditioner, leaving the hair more silky yet not weighed down. Finally, the Cicaplasme is a fairly new favourite. I use it now and then to avoid brassy tones, and I feel it gives moisture to the hair. The leave in oil mentioned in Stories is better for shine and smoothness in the ends of the hair.

Sigh.. I have to admit something. It’s so enjoyable to sign in to the blog and type away my words to you on the keyboard, all curled up in the corner of my sofa. Such a calm and familiar place with so much space for prattling away to express the exact thing I want to get across to you without worrying about having enough space, spamming, or being distracted by how others are expressing themselves. Of course I’m comparing to the fast pace, crowded space on Instagram. I consider myself more of a writer than an exhibitionist, and I’m finding it a little difficult to get into the IG thing of expressing myself through mainly photos. I’m a dinosaur. I started blogging in 2009 to share beauty favourites and chit chat about all things makeup with likeminded people all over the world. Sharing a photo and video of myself was just to illustrate what I was talking about. Obviously it was not intellectual in any way, but more text nevertheless.

Whereas now I feel that the objective on social media is first and foremost to get attention for what one looks like, and not so much “the stuff” behind. But then again, that seems to be what we want. We want something easy to scroll through when we have 3 minutes on the bus, or the 18 minutes we are bored in the evening. I read once that beauty is instant gratification for the brain, which is why we rest our eyes a little longer on beautiful people. Most people are probably not even reading captions. It’s so much planned, staged and edited into a post for 3 seconds of attention, before it’s a scroll to the next. And everyone wants their 3 seconds of fame. It’s a little odd that it has turned out this way. Instagram was created to be just that, instant. When I got an account in 2012 we were all putting the work into our blogs, creating a universe to invite people into showcasing individuality and personal style through design of the website, lots of text and photos to illustrate. Instagram was a refreshing new complementary place to spontaneously share a moment without all the forethought. I guess Stories is the replacement. But even Stories are perfected with filters, as well as design using third party apps.

It makes me wonder what the next big thing is. Will we want even more perfection in less time, like a selection specially picked out for us by an AI who knows everything about us (hello IG discovery, is this what you set out to do Facebook?). Or, will we tire of the staged and edited and crave authenticity and personal connection again. What are your thoughts? xx

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  • I have always enjoyed your content right from 2009. I was disappointed when u went off the grid as I loved the pictures,places, your makeup editorials and your stories. But understand completely how time-life consuming it all becomes. I am just happy to read any morsels you decide to share.🙏🏻

  • I vote YES to the blog. I work with things like content and channels from a business point of view, and while social media is where people are spending time, there is also a search and need for a more personal connection because of social media feeling too “fake” and shallow. We follow people for the people, and the feeling they give us. And people might not have the time to read 20 blogs every day like we did before, but we will connect deeper to a few of the ones on social media who give us more of that personal feeling, and be around that environment, if you know what I mean? If one is looking to just be a good looking front on social media, keeping it more shallow and going for photos – that’s fine. But if you have more to give and want to share, I strongly believe in a more content-centred space, like websites or email lists. A platform where you can really connect with the readers.

    I’ve been reading your blog since about 11 years I think, and I’ve always had the impression that you’ve had very engaged readers who like being in your environment and reading your stories. I think everyone of them enjoys typing in your blog and see if you’ve published something new. And that’s actually a very unique thing today! So if your space here is as enjoyable to you, I really thing you should stick with it!

    • I like your take on this, it makes sense to me and it makes me very happy that it might mean there is a space for an old blogger 🙂 Thank you for following me all these years and for taking the time to write back to me x

  • Så gøy at du har skrevet en bloggpost igjen! Syntes det er så deilig å lese en god gammeldags post 😍 Lagde kaffe og satt meg ned for å lese. Lenge leve oss dinosaurer 🙌

    Savner autentisitet på IG. Føler at hele greia har blitt en veldig overfladisk sfære hvor det meste handler om selveksponering og likes. Jeg mener ikke at din IG er sånn, tenker mer sånn generelt. Heligvis så kan man jo velge hvem man ønsker å følge, men det er litt av hvert som kommer opp på suggestions som jeg ikke aner hvor kommer fra 😂

    Håper alt står bra til med deg!

    • Åh så glad jeg blir for å lese det, Camilla! Det er litt det jeg mener at jeg savner på IG, hvilepulsen og kosen med en bloggpost ☺️

      Min IG er også overfladisk og selveksponerende, føler jeg da. Det er litt det jeg føler er «greia» på IG, og at det ikke er gjort plass til å verdsette skriblerier på samme måte. Kanskje jeg bare begynner å bli gammel og ikke henger med lenger 🙊 Det er sant som du sier, godt og blandet på suggestions 😅 Takk for kommentaren din, og gode klemmer til deg 🤗

  • Hello Celina – been following you for a long time and am also a new mother to a near 1 year old. I often read the caption to instagram photos and often feel a disconnect. Its somewhat comforting to read a blog a familiar account and one’s thoughts versus the paid ads on IG. So glad you are back and wishing you the best of your motherhood journey 💚

    • Hi Kate! Congratulations ☺️ And thank you for following me a long time, I really appreciate it. It’s good to hear that I’m not alone in feeling the disconnect. Would love to know your stance on sharing photos of kids on IG? As you know I’ve chosen not to, but finding it very difficult as being a proud mum all I want is to share how amazing he is 😅 Also, would be fun to connect with mums like yourself over little daily fun things. All the best 🤗

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