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Lounge furniture

Lounge furniture

Following up from my previous post about the interior inspiration we’re now starting to narrow down to a few favourites for our lounge. We’ve decided on keeping the white sofa for now, and perhaps swap it for a darker shade if the third family member decides to “enhance” it in any way…

For the table we’ve narrowed down to two favourites. The striking remake of one of the most significative pieces of the 80s, the classic Alanda by Paolo Piva has been on my wishlist for some time. I love the geometrical shapes of the upturned pyramids which changes from whichever angle you’re resting your eyes on it. The square model with the dark smoked glass is my favourite. Perfection! Such a great canvas for coffee table books, flowers and little ornaments.

…but there is another table that has my heart beating a little faster too. It’s a stunning block of delicious black marble which would bring a modern touch to the original wooden herringbone floors in this old 20s house.

I’m massively influenced by Lena Terlutter’s lounge on this one! I really like her style and the relaxed feel of her lounge. Definitely copying the idea of two large standing photographies behind the sofa as well. Actually, I like everything in her lounge!

Which brings us to the carpet. I adore the fluffiness, but the practical little voice inside my head is whispering warnings about how annoying it must be to vacuum clean the fluff. Or, even worse, for sticky little baby fingers to hide sticky little fruit bits in it. I have doggies and I know what nastiness those cute little faces are able to pull off, and I’ve heard the stories about the tricks of the innocent looking baby faces. But then again, surely OUR baby will be different and I will be able to teach him/her from an early age how to behave (LOL). The alternative to a fluffy carpet would be bamboo silk which is also nice of course. Decisions, decisions..

See Also

At least we’ve managed to decide on one thing, lounge chairs! I’ve already ordered this amazing chair which was an absolute bargain at only 230 eur! (affiliate link)

Which table is your favourite? x

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  • Love all of them. But! Be mindful of sharp corners on your coffee table – when my friends visit me with little toddlers they are running around cupping their hands over the sharp corners of my coffee table. Just my observation.???

  • Hi! I love all the inspiration. I had been longing for this kind of chairs and I hadn’t found an afforable option, thanks! Regarding the table… I’ll give my boring opinion: I have one that is very similar and it is a pain to clean the floor around! The hoover doesn’t reach because it is very narrow at some points and fluff stucks at the edges. I told you boring, but I regret it so much because I have to crawl and clean. Very glamourous. If you end up getting it and find an easier hack to go around it, please post it sometime hehe lots of love xx

    • (Oops, apparently my reply to your comment got stuck) Thank you for the heads up regarding cleaning around the table – I can imagine that is quite annoying LOL ? xx

  • Hi Celina!!! Hipe you are fine my dear. Didnt see any new post in here and on unstagram! I am worried about u!!! Let us know of everything is fine with u!!!! Take care Queen!!! <3

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