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We’re expecting

We’re expecting

Thank you so much for all your kind and thoughtful messages both here on the blog and on Instagram in response to my previous post! I’m completely overwhelmed and humbled – thank you so much! I’m sure I had a pulse of 150 when pressing publish, but it feels good to be open and share my journey with you. It’s also so lovely to see names I recognize from before, and to receive little updates from your lives as well.

As mentioned in the end of the post, I’ve kept a very big secret from everyone except the closest of friends and family. I’ve kept the secret for months and months…

I’m pregnant!!

I’m already in week 24, and it’s been so hard keeping it a secret. As much as I’m super excited, I don’t intend for the blog to become a mummy blog and so I wanted to do a couple posts beforehand. My belly is just too difficult to hide now, so I felt like the time was right. According to my pregnancy app, the baby is now the size of corncob!

Last week it was a grapefuit (which I find really confusing as the week before it was the size of a papaya which in my mind is bigger than both a grapefruit and corncob ??‍♀️). We’ve had two sonograms and also had our genetic blood test done, and fortunately everything is normal. We also know the gender, but we want to keep it to ourselves just a bit more.

How we found out

We had been talking about wanting to have kids, but we were both on the same page for wanting to wait just a bit longer. I have several friends whom been trying for a long time, some even for years and those stories break my heart and if you’re in that situation right now, my thoughts go out to you. So when my IUD (Norwegian: hormonspiral) was out of date, we decided to not replace it as we figured we would probably want a baby after a year or so and that it would probably take some time before we got pregnant. We did actually take some precautions, but we ended up pregnant straight away anyway. I didn’t notice a single thing. J on the other hand was sure I was pregnant because “he could tell my boobs were different” (LOL), and went and bought a test. It was surreal seeing the positive test! Immediately I covered my mouth with my hand and whispered “Oh my god”. Despite the surprise, we are both really looking forward to the little monkey arriving in August.

The pregnancy so far

It’s a really lovely experience being pregnant (though I am missing my favourite jeans), which comes as a surprise to me as I always thought I wouldn’t enjoy it very much. Obviously I’ve heard the stories of what it’s like, and I know roughly how it all works technically.. but having a human growing inside of me is so strange. In mysterious ways my body knows exactly what to do and is transforming itself to become this baby machine. My instincts to protect and nurture was instant. Isn’t it fascinating how this all works? I’m going about my day and then suddenly there are little human legs softly pushing from inside (and doing what feels like advanced flips and karate kicks when I go to bed at night). Except for a little fatigue, I was incredibly fortunate to not experience any morning sickness or any of the other regular pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester. Now in the second trimester I also feel really great! I’m super happy I will get to spend the last months in flowy summer dresses which is easy to get in and out of, as opposed to a stuffed Spongebob Squarepants in winter clothing. I’m not complaining about the stores stocking up on comfy clothes these days either.

See Also

Cravings and aversions

My craving is mango – I can’t get enough! A sweet and juicy, perfectly ripe mango is my favourite, but I’m also enjoying dehydrated mango, mango ice cream and frozen mango chunks. In other words, I’ll take mango in any shape, size and form! And yes, my boyfriend has gone to the supermarket just to get mango. Recently I’ve found adding passion fruit on top of sliced mango to really complement the sweetness of the mango – highly recommend! As for aversions I can’t with Kimchi which I usually really love. I really don’t like the smell and it suddenly tastes horrible.

With the move and the empty extra bedroom, it’s all finally starting to feel real. I’ll be filling you in with a lot more details the next coming weeks, so if you have any specific questions you want to ask, leave them below. Wishing you a great weekend!!

Love, Celina x

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  • Congratulations! I am so happy for you both! I hope the rest of your pregnancy and your delivery goes smoothly.

  • Congratulations.
    It is amazing and life changing and wonderful.
    Enjoy every second of this magical time.

  • Celina I knew it! Just knew it ?so happy about you and this little star inside❤️Believe or not, now I’m so moved….I lost my hope to being mum after a „bad relationship” and I doubt that the right man will ever appear in my life…But it’s not about me ?wish you all the best sweetie ❤️

    • Thank you, Olga! ❤️ I’m happy to hear you’re out of the bad relationship and I hope you’re now really enjoying the time as single and taking good care of yourself. The right guy will appear when you least expect it ?

  • Congratulations!! I hope you continue to feel well. Some unsolicited fashion fun I wish I had been told- ? Since it’s time to stock the comfy stuff–my favorite maternity/nursing stuff has been Boob Design (Scandi brand too!) and Kindred Bravely. Definitely buy stuff that’s dual function or nursing accessible so you don’t have to shop again when Baby comes if you plan to breastfeed. If want into a great, supportive Mama group, let me know, and I can share the Facebook one I’m in.

    • Hi Celina. I am so so so so so happy for you!! Congratulations. You look beautiful as many years ago and haven’t changed a bit.. ah it brought to me so much memories.. i always remember your beautiful hair and you were my style guru… such exciting news!!!!
      My baby boy is 7 Months old.. its seems i was pregnant ages ago.. and i really missed being pregnant.

      Cant wait to see your bump growing!!

  • 🙂 the best news I have received these days! Happy for you dear Celina!!! Wish you the health and wish you feel always happy!!! You will be great and beautiful and best mom for your sweetheart!!!
    Your life will be filled with the best emotions during pregnancy and after birth too!!!

    p.s. I have twins 🙂 8 months old and I am so happy.

  • Så hyggelige nyheter! Jeg venter selv nr to i juli og vi gleder oss veldig!
    Jeg gleder meg til du er klar for å fortelle kjønnet, og kanskje navneforslag. Det er alltid spennende:) Er du halvt svensk? Har du i så fall familie i Stockholm? Enn kjæresten din, hvor er han fra? Hvor ser dere for dere å slå dere ned? Leste bloggen din for mange mange år siden, gøy du er tilbake! Og du virker til å leve et mer ekte, genuint liv nå, du virkelig lykkelig <3

    • Hei Mia! Takk, og gratulerer til deg med nr to, så koselig! Jeg er halvt svensk ja, og selv født i sverige. Jeg har tre søsken samt hele slekten på min fars side her i Sverige. Og så er det jo (vanligvis) bare en times flytur til Norge hvor moren og søsteren min bor, samt familien til kjæresten min. Så hyggelig at du har funnet tilbake til bloggen og at du vil lese den nå også ?

  • Ohh my! ?
    First of all, I didn’t know you were back (stupid Instagram algorithm) but I am so happy you finally are.?
    Second, I just read your last post and I am so happy you finally followed your own dreams. To me you already were such a strong, independent woman. I love (and loved!) reading about your live and your thoughts on things. I also have so much respect for you that you explained a little bit more about the whole situation. I am so sorry some people talked bad about you but I am glad you came back even stronger!
    And last but not least, CONGRATS! I am so happy for you and you look beautiful being pregnant❤️ Please enjoy this time being pregnant, it’s over before you know it!
    Can’t wait to catch up on all of your posts and follow your blog again!

    Lots of love,

    • Thank you for your sweet and kind comment, Elke! I really appreciate it ❤️I’m glad you found the blog again and I hope you will enjoy it this time too. Lots of love x

  • I actually gasped out loud when I saw this post! CONGRATULATIONS! It’s going to be so much fun to follow along your journey, and I’m loving the “boobs are different”-comment ??

    • Did you read the entire post? 🙂 As I wrote, the father of my baby is my boyfriend whom I live with. We are not married yet, and we’re not in any rush to get married.

  • Gratulerer så mye! Og du aner ikke hvor gøy og fint det er at du endelig er tilbake! Har tenkt så masse på deg og hvordan du har hatt det. Det var få ting som var så koselig/interessant/lærerikt som å lese bloggen din over en kopp kaffe under Salzburgs fjell og knauser, for så å ile inn til byen og nærmeste sminkegeskjeft for å kjøpe kosmetikk du hadde anbefalt. Good times.

  • Celina!!! First of all Congratulations to you and your partner! What amazing news!!
    Secondly, I’m so so happy to see you back on your blog. Yours was the very first blog I religiously followed back in the day – in fact when I was in quite a dark place in my life. Not only did your blog become a happy outlet for me, it also encouraged me to start a site of my own. Furthermore, being a do-it-all kinda girl myself, I was also inspired by you to learn how to design a website from scratch. Yes it took me 2 months but I gained new skills, started my site and this all tied into me getting out of that dark place too. Again, so happy to see you back and all the incredible updates on your life. Looking forward to your new journey as a mom. Love and light! xo

    • Dear Sarah! Thank you for your well wishes, and for your kind words ❤️I’m so happy to hear the blog was a happy outlet for you and that it inspired you to design your own website and that you got out of the dark place – well done you!! I hope you will enjoy the blog this time too ☺️ Lots of love x

  • Gratulerer Celina. Du er vakker som gravid. Jeg hadde også et helt problemfritt svangerskap i sin tid; ingen kvalme og ingen andre påtrengende symptomer i 9 fulle måneder før jeg på slutten var klar som et egg til å bli meg selv igjen.
    Masse lykke til!

  • Gratulerer så mye! Det å være mamma er helt fantastisk!! Har en sønn på snart 15 mnd og det er det beste noensinne?❤

  • Aww, congratulations! ?I commented on one of your previous posts not long ago saying that I can only dream of a pastel home decor because of my 11 month old and here you are…soon to be a mum…and still considering light furnishing! You’re my hero, Celina?

  • Gratulerer Celina, hørte du hadde begynt å blogge igjen og ar dere venter barn, utrolig flott og hyggelig. Jeg er virkelig glad på dine vegne! Ønsker dere virkelig alt det beste! Masse lykke til i de siste ukene, med fødselen og den spennende overgangen til å bli foreldre.
    Klem V

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